Friday, October 25, 2013

OPTIMISM at the LOWEST Level of the Year

All you have to do is talk to people around you to find out just how true and accurate this CNN poll really is.  How simple is it for us to ask people their opinions? If they happen to fall in the MAJORITY opinion, then you have an excellent opportunity to tell them about our program!  ...Dennis

CNN Poll: After shutdown, America is less optimistic about economy

Washington (CNN) -- The number of Americans who say the economy is in good shape has dropped to the lowest level of the year, according to a new national poll.

And a CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that economic pessimism is growing in the wake of the government shutdown, with nearly six in 10 forecasting poor economic conditions a year from now.The poll's Tuesday morning release comes a few hours before the Labor Department announces the September unemployment report. The release of last month's jobless figures was delayed because of the 16-day partial government shutdown.

In the poll that was conducted this past weekend, 71% of those questioned say that economic conditions are poor right now, with only 29% saying that current conditions are good -- a drop of 4 percentage points since late September, just before the shutdown began.

"That number has not been particularly high in 2013, but throughout the year it has always been over 30%, making the current level of 29% the worst number since December of last year," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Only 40% say that the economy will be in good shape a year from now. That's down from 50% in June and represents the lowest level of optimism since October 2011. Some 59% say the economy will be in poor shape next fall.

The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International October 18-20, with 841 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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