Friday, January 10, 2014

Labor Participation at 35-Year LOW...

This chart says it all.  You can deny it if you like, but NUMBERS DON'T LIE.  ...Dennis

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%.

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.
The jobless, laborless recovery continues to steam on.

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