Monday, August 26, 2013

Are YOU Making LESS Than You Were 4 Years Ago?

Four years ago the White House announced that the "recession" was over and the "recovery" had begun.  If that's true, how is it that the typical American household is making LESS per year than it was 4 years ago?  Don't depend on "official" government sources...just look around and talk to people.  You'll discover how badly they need what we're offering. ...Dennis

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

President Obama likes to talk about income inequality, but what matters far more is the actual income of the typical American.  And how has the typical American household income fared on Obama's watch?  Well, the economic "recovery" has now spanned an Olympiad, and during that time the typical American household income has not only dropped—it has dropped more than twice as much as it did during the recession.
New estimates derived from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey by Sentier Research indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.  During the recession, the median American household income fell by $1,002 (from $55,480 to $54,478). During the recovery—that is, from the officially defined end of the recession (in June 2009) to the most recent month for which figures are available (June 2013)—the median American household income has fallen by $2,380 (from $54,478 to $52,098).  So the typical American household is making almost $2,400 less per year (in constant 2013 dollars) than it was four years ago, when the Obama "recovery" began.

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