Thursday, August 8, 2013

Say Goodbye to the U.S. Economy?

Rising economic problems for the middle-class, dwindling wages, and increased costs of living are real FACTS that we have to face. Most people want to bury their heads in the sand and not talk about it (other than to complain).  NOT US. We are out to change our futures by controlling our income! ...Dennis

Why we can kiss the US economy goodbye

I don’t mean to say, “I told you so.” But I told you so.

In my latest book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon” I listed hundreds of statistics proving that the U.S. economy was headed for total collapse. But that was all written months ago. Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come.

The results are in. The picture is grim. Here are some frightening economic numbers to think about the next time the lying, manipulating, mainstream media tells you that we are in “recovery.”

First, almost 50% of Americans have less than $500 in savings. Not surprisingly 1 out of 3 residents of Obama’s home state of Illinois live in poverty. A mind numbing 4 of 5 Americans are either experiencing poverty, foreclosure or welfare, or will in their lifetime. Four out of five.Say goodbye to the myth of the American Dream. It’s only a nightmare now.

Ditto for the American middle class. Obama has massacred them. Our middle class now ranks 27thin the world. 

I’ve argued from day one that Obama’s goal was to create a two class society. The two classes are the super-rich (who are beholden to Obama for corporate welfare, bailouts, and government contracts), and the poor (who are beholden to Obama for checks to survive). Look no further than the new immigration bill to see the final destruction of middle class wages.

More grim news just in: Auto sales are collapsing. Construction jobs are falling off a cliff. And U.S. factory orders just suffered the biggest drop in a year.

What about jobs? Isn’t that picture getting rosier by the minute? 

Well actually, no. Let’s analyze the REAL numbers: 

Since the start of 2013 we’ve gained 953,000 jobs, but amazingly 731,000 of them are crummy low-wage part time jobs. That means almost 80% of the jobs created in Obama's America are part-time jobs that won’t pay the bills of an average middle class lifestyle.

Still not convinced? 

Food stamp rolls are growing seventy-five times as fast as employment. The national debt has increased by 50% under Barack Obama. Obama promised to reduce health insurance bills for an average American family by $2,500 per year, instead your health bills went up by $3,000 per year. 

Meanwhile, labor participation by men is at the lowest rate ever measured  since they started tracking it in 1948. And here’s the clincher: 90 million able-bodied, working-age Americans are not working.

One last morsel of food for thought: The EU is in the middle of a Great Depression. Countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece and Cyprus face total disaster. Their economies are ruined for generations to come. 

Yet America under Obama now has more debt than every country in the European Union-combined. Our country has more government debt than any country in the history of the world.

Say goodbye to the U.S. economy. It’s been nice while it lasted.

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