Wednesday, March 26, 2014

69% Rise in Food Costs in the Last 24 Months!

How much have food prices risen in the last 24 months?...well, see for yourself.  The mainstream press and much of the "brainwashed" population would have us believe that the "zero interest-rate policy" of the Federal Reserve has kept inflation in check.  Well, that's true, if you don't eat.  Talk to someone today about this and ask them, "what is YOUR financial strategy?"  You better have a good one!  Dennis

Soaring Food Prices:Compare Cost Increases

You're paying as much as 69% more over the past two years for common kitchen staples, like eggs, bread, milk, chicken and more. Take a look at over 20 items to see how much prices have risen over 24 months.(Figures are based on the U.S. city average as of Jun. 30, 2008, from the Department of Labor's CPI.)

Click HERE to see for yourself how ALL your staple foods have gone up.


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