Friday, March 28, 2014

What is an eBaby Boomer? You Don't Want to Know.

There's a better way to get ahead (or to just survive) than by selling your possessions.  Dennis

Are you an eBaby boomer? One in five of the post-war generation are selling their possessions to make ends meet

Concerned about making ends meet, one in five of the post-war generation are selling their clothes, jewellery and electronics online to boost their incomes, according to a study by MGM Advantage.

It found that staying afloat financially is now the biggest concern baby boomers have about retirement, ahead of staying fit and healthy, and losing a spouse or partner.

'At a time when we would hope such people were saving in preparation for retirement a large number are instead selling off their possessions on eBay just in order to make ends meet.

'It’s a situation that is unsustainable and a potential horror story for the eBaby Boomers when they retire.’

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