Friday, November 29, 2013

Boomers More Than $400,000 SHORT On Their Retirement Goals!

As if we needed more proof that Boomers are woefully unprepared financially to retire, this article comes out of the Canadian Press which talks about the struggles of those in Canada (actually worse in the U.S.) ...Dennis

Boomers missing their retirement targets

The outlook for the future of Canada's Baby Boomers hasn't been good for a while, but a couple of recent studies seem to add more evidence to the case that they will find themselves in financial straits when they come to retire.
The BMO Wealth Institute found that Baby Boomers are significantly unprepared financially for retirement. On average, Boomers are more than $400,000 short of their individual retirement savings goal.
This is particularly concerning given that the oldest of the Boomer generation - those born between 1945 and 1964 -- turned 65 three years ago and many others are just a few years away from retirement.
Another study by the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) said the long-term financial outlook for many Canadians is troubling because there is "a huge gap" between how much money people they say they will need to retire and how much they are actually saving for retirement.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Remember, Remember...the 29th of November!

The Company we all LOVE is have a SPECIAL DAY.  I'm taking advantage of this to get Holiday gifts for EVERYONE on my PROSPECT LIST.  Can you think of a better way to advertise the absolute quality of the business than this?  Are you READY?  November 29th–10am MST.

(By the's also a tax-deductible business expense!) ...Dennis

Click below to watch people's reaction to this limited-release product

Thursday, November 14, 2013

10 FACTS That Will Blow Your Mind

As you carefully consider each of these FACTS, ask yourself the question, "WHAT can I do about it?" We have a simple and powerful solution to each of these devastating problems, and NOW is the time to share it! ...Dennis

10 Facts About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America That Will Blow Your Mind

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job?  Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true.  


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Unimaginable" Devastation...WE can help!

As the Philippines was hit with one of the worst storms in history, thousands upon thousands are feared dead as towns were inundated and coastal villages were swept away. 

Nu Skin is responding by sending massive amounts of food through their FORCE FOR GOOD FOUNDATION.  A LOT of people doing a LITTLE each is the essence of our business!

You can DIRECTLY participate in this effort by DONATING your own VitaMeals and/or other necessities to the cause.  Nu Skin is donating a VitaMeal for every 5-bag given by their distributors.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weight-Loss Centers DOWN...Do-It-Yourself Systems UP...

I find this market study to be VERY interesting for us.  The "traditional" weight-loss CENTERS has been in the midst of a slow-down (Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, and Weight Watchers were all DOWN in revenues this year.)  In fact, the ONLY major player in the market that was UP was Medifast (who markets a "system" very similar to the TR-90, BUT without the scientific, genetic-based ageLOC research.  Watch for TR90 to skyrocket as the word gets out! ...Dennis

You Won't Fatten Your Portfolio With Weight-Loss Centers

According to the market researchers at Marketdata Enterprises, the total U.S. weight-loss market grew 1.7% last year, with revenue rising to $61.6 billion from $60.6 billion the year before, and is expected to grow 2.6% this year. The biggest diet centers themselves experienced no growth in sales in 2012 and are expected to see growth about only equal to the industry as a whole through 2016.
Of the four major players in the market, only Medifast enjoyed any real growth last year, while Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem recorded negligible gains. Jenny Craig actually suffered a decline, which contributed largely to Nestle's decision to sell the weight-loss company to private equity firm North Castle Partners, which also owns the woman's diet and fitness center Curves. Analysts estimate Jenny Craig's current-year sales are roughly $329 million, an anemic performance that's been undermining the value of its parent for years.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Does THIS FACT Drive Our Business?

The number of people who are NOT in the labor force EXPLODED by nearly ONE MILLION last month.  Imagine for a moment this FACT: This was the 3rd HIGHEST increase in people falling out of the labor force in US history!  Now you tell me–what does this say to most people about SECURITY in holding a J.O.B.? ...Dennis

Whopping 932,000 Americans Drop Out Of Labor Force In October; Participation Rate Drops To Fresh 35 Year Low

The only two charts that matter from today's distorted nonfarm payrolls report.
First, the labor force participation rate, which plunged from 63.2% to 62.8% - the lowest since 1978!
But more importantly, the number of people not in the labor force exploded by nearly 1 million, or 932,000 to be exact, in just the month of October, to a record 91.5 million Americans! This was the third highest monthly increase in people falling out of the labor force in US history.

At this pace the people out of the labor force will surpass the working Americans in about 4 years.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Colleges are Being Told...No More Student Loans!

It started last month as JPMorgan Chase sent notification to colleges that they will stop making new student loans.  The reason: "It is no longer sustainable and not the right place to allocate capital in the future." In other words...the Student "debt bubble" is about to burst.  Do you know people who were counting on student loans to help their kids get through college?  NOW is the time to talk with them about our business! ...Dennis

The student loan bubble is starting to burst

The largest bank in the United States will stop making student loans.
JPMorgan Chase has sent a memorandum to colleges notifying them that the bank will stop making new student loans this month, according to Reuters.
The official reason is quite bland.
"We just don't see this as a market that we can significantly grow," Thasunda Duckett tells Reuters. Duckett is the chief executive for auto and student loans at Chase, which means she's basically delivering the news that a large part of her business is getting closed down.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Question For Someone Working A JOB...

"Do you enjoy your work?"  The answer to the question will open the door to hear about our business with over 70% of the people you ask.  A Gallup report presents us with the proof – try it and find out yourself!   ...Dennis

Why 70% Of All Employees Hate Their Jobs

Look at any three people in your workplace. 
Statistically, only one of them feels good about being there.
According a recent Gallup report, more than two-thirds of U.S. workers (70%) are either "not engaged" or "actively disengaged" at work.
That’s bad news for companies already struggling to hire and retain talented employees, because "engaged employees are the ones who are the most likely to drive the innovation, growth, and revenue that their companies desperately need," Gallup says.
Full Article:

Monday, November 4, 2013

In Most States, Child Care MORE Expensive Than College...what!?!

I saw this article today in our local news.  Here in Nevada, people spend more than 13% of their yearly income on child care.  Can you believe that?  That means it is more expensive to provide for daycare for a child than college tuition.  Do you know anyone who might recognize this FACT as a reason for extra income??? ...Dennis

Report: Child Care More Expensive Than College Tuition

The cost of child care is so high in some parts of the country it's now more expensive than tuition at state colleges. That's according to a report from Child Care Aware of America.
The nonprofit group says center-based child care costs rose an average of 3% nationwide.
Massachusetts had the highest cost for full time infant care last year -- as much as $16,500 a year. Other least affordable states include Oregon, New York, Minnesota, Hawaii, Washington, Kansas, Illinois, California and Colorado.
More than 13% of income is spent on child care in Nevada. With the average family income at just under $50,000 that comes out to more than $6,400 spent on child care every year. To put that in perspective, that's about the same as in-state college tuition at the University of Nevada which averages about $6,600 a year.
The report blames price disparities on state regulations, housing, food, utilities and labor costs.
According to the report, in nearly two-thirds of the country, average child care costs were greater than yearly tuition and fees at a four-year public college.
The average cost to raise a child over 18 years is $241,080.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lagging Economy? Body Parts Become Cash Machines!

Many people are so desperate to make money in our economy that they are doing things they would have never believed they would selling their hair to survive.   We have a better plan! ...Dennis

Bodies Double as Cash Machines With U.S. Income Lagging: Economy

Hair, breast milk and eggs are doubling as automated teller machines for some cash-strapped Americans such as April Hare.

Out of work for more than two years and facing eviction from her home, Hare recalled Louisa May Alcott’s 19th-century novel and took to her computer.
“I was just trying to find ways to make money, and I remembered Jo from ‘Little Women,’ and she sold her hair,” the 35-year-old from Atlanta said. “I’ve always had lots of hair, but this is the first time I’ve actually had the idea to sell it because I’m in a really tight jam right now.”