Monday, November 4, 2013

In Most States, Child Care MORE Expensive Than College...what!?!

I saw this article today in our local news.  Here in Nevada, people spend more than 13% of their yearly income on child care.  Can you believe that?  That means it is more expensive to provide for daycare for a child than college tuition.  Do you know anyone who might recognize this FACT as a reason for extra income??? ...Dennis

Report: Child Care More Expensive Than College Tuition

The cost of child care is so high in some parts of the country it's now more expensive than tuition at state colleges. That's according to a report from Child Care Aware of America.
The nonprofit group says center-based child care costs rose an average of 3% nationwide.
Massachusetts had the highest cost for full time infant care last year -- as much as $16,500 a year. Other least affordable states include Oregon, New York, Minnesota, Hawaii, Washington, Kansas, Illinois, California and Colorado.
More than 13% of income is spent on child care in Nevada. With the average family income at just under $50,000 that comes out to more than $6,400 spent on child care every year. To put that in perspective, that's about the same as in-state college tuition at the University of Nevada which averages about $6,600 a year.
The report blames price disparities on state regulations, housing, food, utilities and labor costs.
According to the report, in nearly two-thirds of the country, average child care costs were greater than yearly tuition and fees at a four-year public college.
The average cost to raise a child over 18 years is $241,080.

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