Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weight-Loss Centers DOWN...Do-It-Yourself Systems UP...

I find this market study to be VERY interesting for us.  The "traditional" weight-loss CENTERS has been in the midst of a slow-down (Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, and Weight Watchers were all DOWN in revenues this year.)  In fact, the ONLY major player in the market that was UP was Medifast (who markets a "system" very similar to the TR-90, BUT without the scientific, genetic-based ageLOC research.  Watch for TR90 to skyrocket as the word gets out! ...Dennis

You Won't Fatten Your Portfolio With Weight-Loss Centers

According to the market researchers at Marketdata Enterprises, the total U.S. weight-loss market grew 1.7% last year, with revenue rising to $61.6 billion from $60.6 billion the year before, and is expected to grow 2.6% this year. The biggest diet centers themselves experienced no growth in sales in 2012 and are expected to see growth about only equal to the industry as a whole through 2016.
Of the four major players in the market, only Medifast enjoyed any real growth last year, while Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem recorded negligible gains. Jenny Craig actually suffered a decline, which contributed largely to Nestle's decision to sell the weight-loss company to private equity firm North Castle Partners, which also owns the woman's diet and fitness center Curves. Analysts estimate Jenny Craig's current-year sales are roughly $329 million, an anemic performance that's been undermining the value of its parent for years.

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