Saturday, July 20, 2013

Comment from the Real World

Here's an example of how things are out there in the "real world."  I saw this in the COMMENT section below the article I posted earlier about the "McDonald's Budget." These are exactly the kind of people who are open to hearing about our business...Dennis
mark  5 hours ago

I make 60k/yr. I have 3 kids. After taxes etc I clear $3,500/month. Sounds good right?
Here is a real-world budget.
Mortgage: $1100 Decent house not caving in.
Food: $600
Gasoline: $400 I can't afford the rent in town so I have to live 40 miles from office.
Heating Gas: $100
Electric: $100
Cable/phone internet: $100
Car payments: $200
Other Loans/credit card payments: $400
things break in a house furnaces, roofs leak
bad luck.
Medical Bills: $200/negotiated w/ hospital
My wife had emergency surgery last year and we can only afford high-deductible insurance from my company. Medical bill was almost 10 grand.
That leaves about $400, but I believe in tithing so that's it. We normally have about 10 bucks left at the end of the month. I put my house up for sale and will end up moving into a fixer-upper. I am college educated and I work in IT. My job is getting outsourced in about 6-12 months. Anyone else have a similar story? I'll bet there are a million in the same boat.

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