Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ken Dychtwald VERY Important Survey

Based on a nationwide survey of thousands of respondents 45 years and older, this opens up a WORLD of possibilities for "opportunity conversations" about our business.  What do people over 45 really want in terms of work and leisure?...What are they worried about as they consider growing older?...How can the Nu Skin program help to meet their deepest needs?  This survey will give you  GREAT insight into the desires and needs of the most dominant generation (demographically speaking)...Dennis 

P.S.  I also spoke about this survey and it's implications for our business in a recent BlogTalkRadio program entitled "What's in YOUR Opportunity Conversation?"  

Americans' Perspectives on New Retirement Realities and the Longevity Bonus

A 2013 Merrill Lynch Retirement Study, conducted in partnership with Age Wave
With people living and often working longer than any preceding generation, this study examines their perspectives about preparing for retirement and living the best life that they can during their later years.
How are people adjusting to this great life transition in today's environment? How have their attitudes about retirement shifted in response to new realities? What do they expect and worry most about? What do they really think about the longevity bonus and rest of their life? These and other questions are the focus of the 2013 Merrill Lynch Retirement Study, conducted in partnership with Age Wave, experts on the aging population. Completed in January 2013, the study is based on a nationwide survey of more than 6,300 respondents age 45 and older.
The study reveals a strong desire among those approaching and in retirement to know more about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, to gain greater clarity about what they hope to achieve, and to understand what is possible.
To learn more about the full findings, download the study here.

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