Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What if Over Half the Doctors in America Quit?

Watch this VERY insightful interview.  This doctor's story is heartbreaking.  According to this Fox News report, rather than deal with Health-Care reform, MANY doctors are mulling early retirement. The facts are in: 62% of your Doctors plan to retire in the next 1-3 Years, and according to one survey, 83% say they may quit. (I've included links to stories below the video) ...Dennis 

News Articles:

Rather than Deal With Health-Care Reform, Doctors Mull Early Retirement
Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/america-62-of-your-doctors-plan-to-retire-in-the-next-1-3-years-due-to-obamacare/#aIlbzU5S5DL0I44M.99

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